
Meet Anna O’Driscoll

PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitator
Brisbane, Australia

Hello and welcome to my PSYCH-K® practice Perceive Believe.

What we believe and our perception of the world around us affects every facet of our lives. Most of our subconscious beliefs were created early in life, up to the age of around seven years. If your current experiences are not matching your desires, it’s very likely that your subconscious beliefs aren’t supporting you.

With PSYCH-K® I can help you to examine your subconscious beliefs and get them on board - so your powerful subconscious mind is working for you, not against you!

I can also assist you to transform your perception of stress related to something:

  • that occurred in the past (anything from environmental early life circumstances and influences to distressing experiences/memories)

  • that you are experiencing now (such as work related stress, health challenges, relationship issues, phobias, anxiety, lack of self esteem and confidence, etc)

  • is yet to happen (e.g. job interview, test or exam, family gathering, retirement, becoming a parent, wedding, medical operation, etc)

This is done by creating a whole brained super-learning state which allows rapid change to occur. Removing stress or resistance can:

  • make it easier and more natural to move towards your goals

  • create more peace in your life

  • benefit your overall health and wellbeing (changing your perception of past negative experiences means they no longer trigger damaging physical responses in your body - just as stress can accumulate in the body, it can also diminish, resulting in less stress hormones being released, bringing your body into balance with enhanced ability to respond to challenges)

PSYCH-K® is a safe, easy, quick and verifiable way to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging into beliefs that are self-supportive.

I’m located in Brisbane, Queensland and offer private sessions in person, as well as remotely via Zoom, WhatsApp or over the phone. Distance is not an issue and remote sessions are equally as effective as seeing me in person.

If you’re ready to create some change in your life or want to experience what PSYCH-K® is like before deciding to attend a workshop, please click on the button below. I would be delighted to work with you!


PSYCH-K® helps you to change
what’s not working in your life
to what you would prefer instead.

Change your outdated
and unhelpful
subconscious beliefs.

Replace stress
with peace.

Create a life of wellbeing,
joy and satisfaction.

Anna O’Driscoll explains the benefits of PSYCH-K®

Anna O’Driscoll, PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitator based in Brisbane, Australia shares why she loves PSYCH-K® and how she has integrated it into her life.

PSYCH-K® is too valuable
not to share …

Anna is interviewed by Martha Vargus, Director of Communications PSYCH-K® about why she became a PSYCH-K® Facilitator and how learning this unique method of transformation has changed her life.

Hear what Samantha has to say about her PSYCH-K® experience

Samantha Bijok shares her amazing experience with PSYCH-K® and how she was able to effectively transform a long-standing underlying trauma into a state of peace and happiness.

What people are saying.

“I've been around the block a few times experiencing a wide range of subconscious reprogramming techniques, and PSYCH-K® with Anna has been the most effective and efficient that I have ever experienced.

I was dealing with lifelong uncontrollable trauma based behaviour, and in the highly stressful situation I was in, I needed solid results, and I needed them FAST. Results were immediate, and the changes are deep without wearing off over time.”

— 3D Jumpsuit from Brisbane

“It is a liberating process to work through stress transformations. Before, I was uncomfortable and anxious. After balancing core belief statements I felt different - calmer and happier. I also worked through a troubling childhood memory which we did a stress transformation on and this memory no longer holds any of the emotion or importance it once did."

— Laura from Brisbane

Anna greatly assisted me with a big life change in the form of a redundancy from work. I wanted to know if I was really coping, sure enough there were indeed deep set feelings of fear and doubt.

I now have a wonderful feeling of calm around this change. I am so grateful to have done this work with Anna, it was so beneficial.

— Kylie from Brisbane