
Review from
Katylou love

— May 2024 —
Brisbane, Australia


Just brilliant. Quite incredible but credible! I understand that the difference between sadness and depression is that with depression, you really don't know why you feel so sad and helpless and why things don't seem to work out.

I found out that my subconscious program has left me with little chance of success and within a few days of completing 3 very moving and exhilarating sessions with Anna, who is very wise and skilled and wonderful company, I feel a level of peace and trust I have never, ever felt before and I have had opportunities and connections land in my lap from seemingly nowhere.

I have a patience and trust that has literally changed my perception and my life. I have had direction for a change in career and a list of achievable goals that I had no idea I even wanted! Just astounding actually. Thank you. This has been the missing 'peace'. Is this what it is like to feel eager for life? Wow.

Review from
Jenny C

— May 2024 —
Gladstone, NSW


Anna has been a tremendous help to me with her PSYCH-K® sessions. My dear mother passed away 2 weeks ago and she helped me stay fairly well composed at the funeral - which I fully expected to be a "train wreck" before she helped me.

Also visiting my 94 year old father for the couple of days after the funeral I was able to help rather than hinder his healing. My cousin who sexually abused me when I was a child was at the funeral & I was able to be very non-reactive to her thanks to Anna's help.

I would highly recommend Anna to help with any of life's challenges be it physical, mental or emotional. I feel blessed & grateful for all her help.

Review from
Tony G

— May 2024 —
Mount Tamborine, Australia


I have just completed a series of three sessions with Anna and was pleasantly amazed with the changes that I have experienced.

Anna is incredibly professional, caring, and compassionate in the manner with which the sessions were performed. The sessions themselves demonstrated Anna's expertise and knowledge of the PSYCH-K® program.

I am so glad I found you Anna and so pleased with how you have helped me. Tony🙏

Review from
Samantha Bijok

— April 2024 —
Sydney, Australia


I didn't know what to expect or what to work on when I met Anna, however she quickly managed to find an old trauma memory and turn it into something I smile about. Amazing!

It's like you have to experience it to believe it. I'm not sure I would have believed it had I not experienced it for myself.

Anna is kind, patient, generous and a wizard! Thank you Anna. 💞🙏

Review from
Fiona McDonald Baylis

— March 2024 —
Boompa, Australia


Anna walks her talk! My session was full of optimism and ease. 

She was so attentive and fully present throughout the session. She is a gift to the world and I highly recommend a session with her. 

Review from
Fernanda C

— January 2024 —
Brisbane, Australia


I want to personally thank Anna for being an angel in my life. Her love and care for me and my family are heartfelt. Our PSYCH-K® sessions provided incredible experiences and insights, allowing me to release, change, balance, and heal.

We released my anger and fears that were blocking me from succeeding. We changed my self-limiting beliefs to better, compassionate, and supportive ones. We also balanced my perspectives about people and events, which gave me great insights to better understand and perceive them in a different light.

For all these reasons, I am forever thankful to you, Anna, for facilitating my healing so I can become the person I always dreamed of being. Wishing you all the best that the Universe has to offer!

Review from
3D Jumpsuit

— December 2023 —
Brisbane, Australia


I've been around the block a few times experiencing a wide range of subconscious reprogramming techniques, and PSYCH-K® with Anna has been the most effective and efficient that I have ever experienced.

I was dealing with lifelong uncontrollable trauma based behaviour, and in the highly stressful situation I was in, I needed solid results, and I needed them FAST. Results were immediate, and the changes are deep without wearing off over time.

This isn't a bandaid. This is next level. I'm averse to sharing the gory details of the problems this has helped me heal, because they are quite personal. What I can say, is that PSYCH-K® is a very powerful process, addressing deeply rooted traumas at the core level, and I will certainly be seeing Anna again in the future.

Review from
Vinicius P

— November 2023 —
Brisbane, Australia


A very good and efficient treatment. I felt way better from the first session, as if a huge weight had get off my back and felt way more motivated. Also, the therapist is a very kind, caring and empathetic person, truly lovely.

The session is very simple but effective, it is kind of crazy how much one hour session can change your behaviour and beliefs for better with simple exercises.

Review from
Kathie O

— October 2023 —
Brisbane, Australia


I felt overwhelmed and anxious about my upcoming surgical operation.

During some PSYCH-K® sessions with Anna, these negative emotions were replaced by peace and calm about the situation. Anna’s professional, thorough and insightful sessions released some of my limiting subconscious beliefs, and she helped me create new supportive beliefs. These beliefs then allowed my operation and hospital stay to be a breeze - so easy and stress free! I can’t thank Anna enough!

PSYCH-K® had a powerful and positive influence on my life, and I highly recommend Anna’s PSYCH-K® sessions to all who wish to make positive changes in their lives.

Review from
Meg M

— July 2023 —
Brisbane, Australia


Anna has assisted me twice with PSYCH-K®, both with positive outcomes. The first time was because I was feeling anxious about learning a language due to negative experiences at school. After Anna’s session I was able to participate confidently in a weekly class for the year.

Later on when I needed to go overseas, Anna facilitated a session which cleared my worries about responsibilities. It all worked out better than I imagined.

Anna is a facilitator for positive change, so be open to those possibilities. You can decide for yourself just how PSYCH-K® can benefit you.

Review from
Jill S

— July 2023 —
Brisbane, Australia


I’m so very grateful I found Anna. I cannot emphasise enough how massively helpful a Session of PSYCH-K® has been for me.

I highly recommend Anna's 'PSYCH-K' sessions! So very helpful and amazing quick results from major issues.

Working with a few different issues I was amazed at how rapidly I felt the positive benefits of working with this.

Anna put me at ease from the first moment and guided me through the session with much care and compassion.

Thank you Anna! I highly recommend Perceive Believe.

Review from
Kylie T

— April 2023 —
Brisbane, Australia


Anna greatly assisted me with a big life change in the form of a redundancy from work. I wanted to know if I was really coping, sure enough there were indeed deep set feelings of fear and doubt.

I now have a wonderful feeling of calm around this change. I am so grateful to have done this work with Anna, it was so beneficial.

My sessions with Anna also brought healing to other parts of my life which I think were waiting to be brought to the surface. A wonderful transformation, I feel so pleased to have done this.  Thank you Anna

Review from
Lauren C

— February 2023 —
Brisbane, Australia


Anna is undoubtedly a gifted practitioner. I didn't know what to expect going in, as I'd never experienced a PSYCH-K® session before and wasn't aware of its power. I had a plethora of assorted questions/blocks/anxieties to take into my sessions, and Anna met them all with remarkable patience, curiosity, insight, and optimism for getting to the root of them all so I could lead a clearer, calmer, happier life.

The most incredible changes I've noticed so far is we all but completely cured my lifelong nail biting habit in my first session (I didn't even intend to clear this, as literally *nothing* has been able to get me to stop voraciously chewing these things down when I'm anxious, which is often), not to mention other physical responses in my body I can't explain and have unquestionably contributed in some way to my progression as a better integrated light-being.

Give PSYCH-K® with Anna a go; she'll take good care of you, and the world needs more healing with people like her.

Review from
Judy N

— February 2023 —
Perth, Australia


Really enjoyed my session with Anna it was great to reinforce a positive mindset for my move interstate for a new life, highly recommend this for anyone. Many thanks Anna

Review from
Lynn G

— January 2023 —
New York, US


My PSYCH-K® session with Anna O’Driscoll was very insightful and very emotion-balancing and energy-balancing… calming, too. I started out working on some lower emotions and frustrations to hopefully clear them before the Christmas holiday season, and I’m happy to say that I believe my using PSYCH-K® with Anna, helped my holidays to be calmer and happier than I thought they’d be. I believe that’s because we neutralized much of my more recent, emotional agitation from before the holidays… which were also connected to themes from childhood.

PSYCH-K® helped me to gently process different memories and feelings that somewhat surprisingly came up as Anna pleasantly, compassionately and patiently walked me through this “subconscious-processing” and “limiting belief-clearing” process.

I highly recommend working with Anna with PSYCH-K® for her expertise and kind, compassionate guidance through the process to help you to feel more peace, calm and joy.

Review from
Luanne O

— January 2023 —
Rockhampton, Australia


I have experienced many beneficial PSYCH-K® sessions with Anna over the last few years.

I have been focusing on my personal relationships, with myself in particular. I have not always been my own best friend, and have not been free from my negativity and subconscious programs. I have very often been too dependent on others for my happiness.

Anna’s PSYCH-K® sessions have been transformative in releasing these beliefs. I feel much stronger and calmer on my own, and when I am with others. I also check in with myself more often in making decisions about what is best for me, which means saying no to others and yes to me, sometimes.

The only person we are always with is ourselves and I think this is the most important relationship in our lives. It is so important that we are our own best friend, and PSYCH-K® sessions have helped me enormously in doing this.

I would recommend PSYCH-K® with Anna to anyone who wants to get to the heart of their issues and easily transform their subconscious beliefs in order to live a more authentic and loving life.

Review from
Christine B

— September 2022 —
Brisbane, Australia


Anna is an amazing PSYCH-K® Facilitator. Having a session with her, we did an number of balances in the session. I could feel positive shifts in limiting beliefs, mindset shift and getting instant results.

PSYCH-K® is profoundly insightful and very powerful. It will transform your life in the most miraculous ways!

Review from
Vicki T

— September 2022 —
Burpengary, Australia


Anna has been working with my anxiety around technology. After the first session I noticed I no longer became frustrated and confused when something didn’t happen the way I thought.

I love the way Anna gently takes me through the process. I am often surprised by my unconscious beliefs about my capabilities.

I highly recommend Anna’s sessions of PSYCH-K® for resolving trauma, stress, anxiety and even physical pain.

Review from
Laura M

— June 2022 —
Brisbane, Australia


I found PSYCH-K® to be a very gentle process. I have noticed differences in myself since having a few sessions with Anna, since the process helped me to transform current perceptions and beliefs that were continuously creating the same challenges for me, to perceptions and beliefs that now serve me and allow me to experience more ease and acceptance.

Through the integration of subconscious beliefs that are beneficial to me, I am now able to live with more patience, calm and acceptance of myself and others.

It has been so enjoyable to work with Anna and I recommend this process to anyone who has been trying to make beneficial changes in their lives but are still feeling stuck. Because this process works with the subconscious, it is a powerful way to help your subconscious and conscious minds align with what you want.

Review from
Brandie F

— May 2022 —
Brisbane, Australia


Anna is such a lovely facilitator to work with. I felt really comfortable straight away. PSYCH-K® helped me with a situation where I had immediate strong repulsion to someone. After our session those feelings disappeared! PSYCH-K® for me focusses on certain issues and the beauty is I find a knock on effect for other issues in my life. Thanks Anna!

Review from
Ellen A

— May 2022 —
Maleny, Australia


I had a session with Anna as I was feeling anxious and not sleeping well. She was very understanding of my situation and took the time to help me in every area I needed.

By the end of the session I felt calm, happy and able to focus better. It was such a relief to have the anxiety and stress leave my body and the shift happened quickly. I recommend Anna’s services.

Review from
Laura O

— March 2022 —
Brisbane, Australia


Anna is a wonderful facilitator. I would highly recommended working with Anna to change subconscious beliefs. Anna is intuitive and works with you in a compassionate and safe environment.

It is a liberating process to work through stress transformations. Before I was uncomfortable and anxious. After balancing core belief statements I felt different; calmer and happier. I also worked through a troubling childhood memory which we did a stress transformation on and this memory no longer holds any of the emotion or importance it once did.

PSYCH-K® has helped me manage the stress of challenges such as moving house, OCD Patterns and feeling more comfortable in social situations. I continue to enjoy working with Anna as the results have made a positive difference to my day to day life. Anna is a great support person for your PSYCH-K® journey and I would highly recommended working with her.

Review from
Holly P

— March 2022 —
Brisbane, Australia


I’ve had three PSYCH-K® sessions with Anna, who worked with me very patiently through the processes, after clearly explaining what I needed to do and how they worked.

 Anna created a welcoming, safe and comfortable environment where her warmth and genuine care for clients is always her top priority. After the sessions with Anna, I was able to find fresh perspectives and positive new pathways to explore.

I would recommend doing PSYCH-K® with Anna.

Review from
Alyce M

— July 2021 —
Brisbane, Australia


My session with Anna was incredibly powerful. Anna is very knowledgeable and passionate around her work and was able to help me shift a number of beliefs about myself with regards to a few subjects.

After the session I felt lighter and more empowered, and in the month since I have noticed a marked difference, particularly in my relationship to money. I would highly recommend working with Anna. Thank you Anna!

Review from Laura L

— July 2021 —
Gold Coast, Australia


I loved working with Anna. She has such a lovely warm, calm & safe energy. I felt like I was really able to open up to her. The sessions we did together have been so useful & helpful and I've already seen tangible results.

I highly recommend working with Anna. She is an excellent PSYCH-K® facilitator. I did some face to face sessions with her in Brisbane but I know that she also does online appointments as well.

Review from
Theresa O

— June 2021 —
Brisbane, Australia


My sessions with Anna were beneficial in guiding me through a relationship breakdown. Releasing the stress around the upheaval in leaving my home and starting again was effective, satisfying and made the situation a lot easier to deal with. I also found elements in the sessions fun and relaxing. I'm looking forward to having ongoing sessions with Anna to address other areas of my life.

Review from
Michelle B

— June 2021 —
Brisbane, Australia


Anna is a very passionate and talented PSYCH-K® facilitator who has enormous sensitivity and intuition.
I would highly recommend her to help you unblock limiting beliefs and thoughts.

Review from
Helen B

— December 2020 —
Toowoomba, Australia


Last December I did a balance with Anna in Brisbane ( I am from Toowoomba). We did it with coffee first. The smell of coffee would make me feel sick & if someone used their spoon that they had used in their coffee in my cup of tea or chai, I would not be able to drink it.

Anna put a cup with the coffee right under my nose while we did the balance. I could not even smell it! I was so amazed & still am. This also happened with the mint, as mint would give me an instant headache & feel sick for quite a while.

I had been like this all my life! Now I can even brush my teeth with mint toothpaste. No more buying special toothpaste, but I don’t drink coffee as I’m too much of a sweet tooth.

Doing these balances with Anna was fantastic.